MediEvil is a 1998 action-adventure game developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation. The game is set in the medieval Kingdom ...
$29.99 In stock Rating (8,600)
Sword swinging, perilous puzzles and enchanting environments are brought back to life in this full remake of the original PlayStation action-adventure.


Computer game
4.6/5 · PlayStation 67% · Metacritic 8.1/10 · IMDb
MediEvil is a 1998 action-adventure game developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Programming languages: C and Assembly language
Composer: Andrew Barnabas
Genres: Platform game and Action-adventure game
Platform: PlayStation
Initial release date: October 1998

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MediEvil is a 2019 action-adventure game developed by Other Ocean Emeryville and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4.
Rating · Review by Travis Northup
Oct 23, 2019 · This tribute to an often-forgotten game and its memorable underdog protagonist is gorgeous and nostalgia-inducing remake.
Oct 7, 2019 · Let's Play MediEvil! PlayStation producer Nick Accordino joins us for a romp ...
Rating (74)
MediEvil is a colorful trip down memory lane filled with gorgeous, updated graphics, the same amazing OST and improved (yet still retro) gameplay mechanics.
The Medievil is a ship featured in WipEout Pure. It serves as an in-game promotion of MediEvil: Resurrection. The ship was designed by the SCE Cambridge Studio ...
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Challenge the powers of darkness and untold magic as Sir Daniel Fortesque returns from the grave to battle an evil sorcerer's plans of demise.
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A legendary hero awakens after 100 years since his death in battle, only to find that his arch nemesis is yet again roaming the earth to make an army of demons ...