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To manage your account or create your forum handle, log in below. Username: Don't have an account? To create a Turbine Account, enter your Product Key.
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Aug 7, 2023 · Start by describing exactly what you're doing to try to log in, then tell us details about your computer such as the exact version of Windows, the CPU and GPU.
Aug 14, 2024 · Create a short-cut to Lotro that automatically logs you in and skips some downloads when the program starts.
May 3, 2023 · Log in with your Username and Password for your LOTRO Game Account (the same one that you use to log into the game).
The Lord of the Rings Online: Legacy of Morgoth expansion is scheduled to be released on November 6th, 2024 with raid content no later than February 2025.
May 13, 2022 · I have yet to find a place to login on the actual LOTRO site; all I'm seeing is registering for an account there. Account management I can log ...
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